mercredi 30 mars 2016


Here is a storyboard made for an EBEL commercial. It was a three-day task and a very instructive experience as it was made for a live commercial as opposed to an animation project. Expectations were quite different because instead of aiming to be a real help for the director,  the main goal of the storyboard was to sell the project to the client.

Avant le Cinéma: visuels (2015)

Here are some preproduction drawings for the Apollinaire project. It was based on the French poem "Avant le Cinéma" that you can find underneath this article.

The children:

The literature teacher :

The drawing teacher:

The actress:

Voluptuous women:

STORYBOARD: Avant le Cinéma (2015)

Here is a storyboard I made for a short-feature project named "Avant le cinéma". It is based on a poem by Guillaume Apollinaire. I finally based my film on another poem so this project was aborted, but I still like this idea! Here is the poem (in French):

Avant le Cinéma

Et puis ce soir on s’en ira 
Au cinéma 
Les Artistes qui sont-ce donc 
Ce ne sont plus ceux qui cultivent les Beaux-Arts 
Ce ne sont pas ceux qui s’occupent de l’Art 
Art poétique ou bien musique 
Les Artistes ce sont les acteurs et les actrices 
Si nous étions des Artistes 
Nous ne dirions pas le cinéma 
Nous dirions le ciné 
Mais si nous étions de vieux professeurs de province 
Nous ne dirions ni ciné ni cinéma 
Mais cinématographe 
Aussi mon Dieu faut-il avoir du goût.

Guillaume Apollinaire 


STORYBOARD: Aplasie (2014)

Aplasie is my graduation film at school EMCA. As it is based on my personal experience with leukemia, I thought about it for a long time and came with very different takes on this subject. Initailly, I wanted to represent leukemia with a crab. Here is the storyboard of the first sequence below:
Finally, I decided that I didn't want to represent the illness with an animal; I guess I thought it was too much of an animation trend. In the end, here is the final storyboard for Aplasie, my graduation film at EMCA. The last sequence was cut out in the film because I felt it was not necessary.s
And the film is here! : )